Student Success Experience

A Program For Parents of Students Struggling To Be Successful

Protect Your Investment By Helping Your Child Find Relevance in Their Curriculum and Discover the Life Lessons It Holds for Their Future Success


Meet Harvey Hazen: an experienced educator dedicated to empowering struggling students and guiding them towards success. With a profound understanding of the challenges students face, Harvey has transformed his own academic journey to become a beacon of support and inspiration.

During his college years, Harvey encountered obstacles that many students can relate to. The disconnect between the curriculum and his personal goals left him feeling lost and disheartened. As a result, his grades suffered, jeopardizing the limited scholarship he had earned. This financial strain on his parents made Harvey question his place in higher education.

However, Harvey’s story took a turn when he found a mentor in a perceptive college professor. This mentorship allowed Harvey to grasp the importance of seemingly unrelated courses and their impact on his dream of becoming a teacher. He discovered that learning is not confined to specific subjects but is a lifelong process applicable to any career or life endeavor.

Fueling his newfound purpose, Harvey embarked on a self-development journey that focused on understanding learning styles and maximizing their effectiveness. This valuable experience taught him how to overcome roadblocks posed by less effective learning styles.

Now, Harvey is eager to share the wisdom he has gained over his successful journey. With 37 years in education, he has served as a History Teacher, Counselor, High School Vice Principal and Principal, Middle School Principal, Elementary Principal, and School Superintendent. Harvey’s educational background includes a BS in History/Education, an MS in Educational Counseling, and completion of the Principal and Superintendent Credential Program.

Through his coaching, Harvey aims to support struggling students, providing them with the tools, guidance, and inspiration they need to achieve their goals. With Harvey by their side, students can unlock their true potential and thrive academically and personally.

Trust, credibility, and likability define Harvey Hazen’s approach to coaching. Let him guide you on your journey to success and help you overcome any obstacles standing in your way. Together, you can rewrite your story and achieve greatness.

Who is it for?

This program is for parents of students:

  • Who are struggling to find relevance in their curriculum and are in danger of failing or dropping out
  • Who desperately want their kid to feel passionately engaged with their course of study
  • Who want their kids to be successful and happy with their life.

Who is it NOT for?

This program is not for:

  • Parents who want to control their kid’s educational decisions regarding their course of studies
  • Parents who want to dictate to the coach how the coach will achieve success with their student
  • Students who lack any motivation to engage with the coach
Module one

Establish Parent Expectations


  • Establish clear expectations for the program
  • Gain clarity on the program methodology and how it leads to success for the student
  • Create a plan of action steps and timelines for coach-parent interaction


In this foundational module, parents will be involved in setting realistic expectations for the program and gaining clarity on the objectives and methodology that will be used to re-engage your child. Parents will create a concrete plan with scheduled check-ins and steps for them to be involved in the process.
Module two

Establish Student Expectations


  • Establish clear expectations for the program and areas for parent interaction
  • Gain clarity on the program methodology and how it leads to success for the student
  • Create a plan of action steps and timelines for coach-student interaction


In this module, the foundation for the Coach- Student relationship will be established. The student will receive an overview of the program including the importance and purpose for establishing relevance in their program and a sense of the program’s focus on learning processes not subject matter. The coach will gain a perspective on the current state of the student’s learning processes. Once there is understanding and rapport, a concrete individual program can be built for moving forward.
Module three

Discovering Relevance


  • Uncover where relevance to their future life lies in their current curriculum
  • Develop commitment to their program of study and learning success
  • Commit to a concrete program of creating relevance and learning methodology


Nothing inspires conscientious engagement with studies more than the student understanding why what they are studying is important to their success in life. In this module the coach will dive deep with the student to help them uncover all the aspects of their current education path and course of study are a goldmine of learning for how to be successful after they graduate and begin to make their own life.
Module four

Developing An Action Plan


  • Identify specific relevant and perceived irrelevant activities
  • Understand learning as a process and not memorization
  • Generate a plan for progress towards creating greater relevance with each subject of study


By now the student has a newfound understanding of education as a process for life learning and not just about completing a program successfully. Using this knowledge the student and coach will co-create an action plan to give clear direction on how to proceed in each course of study for maximum relevance to life learning.

Module five

Leveraging Learning Style


  • Identify the learning style that allows the student to learn best and engage fully with the education process
  • Gain clarity on how an understanding of learning style can be leveraged to create relevancy 
  • Develop new skills to compensate for situations that don’t match their ideal learning style


In this module the student will discover their optimal learning style and gain clarity on how it can be used to increase the relevance of what they are being taught. They will master how to leverage their learning style and how to adapt to situations where other learning styles that do not play to their strengths are required so that they can still be successful.
Module six

Wrapping Up, Support And Celebration


  • Achieve higher grades in subjects that were once a struggle to engage with
  • Enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment from the educational experience
  • Celebrate success with parents and agree upon any future support requirements


By now the student is achieving program success and has a clear vision for their future learning wants and needs. In this final module the parents will again become involved in celebrating the success of your child and the plans for any ongoing support that might be needed to further their progress toward achievement of their life and career goals.

Still Have Questions? Schedule a Call Now!